December 02, 2016




For a long time I had been meaning to create a piece of artwork for her and unfortunately I had been a tad slack. However, a birthday is a good a time as ever. 

The aim was create a design that would incorporate subject matter that would be visually appealing, would be a reflection of her personality and display my love and gratitude.


The weeks leading up to her birthday I had been mulling over various designs. I had ideas but couldn't pin anything concrete down, nothing seemed right. 
I had an image in my head of the overall composition being shaped like a 'C' for Cassandra (clever eh). Her surname is Fisher so I figured I would include imagery like fish, a kingfisher as I know she likes birds. I know she likes watercolour paintings so I chose to work in this medium, which was a challenge for me as I rarely paint traditionally let alone in watercolour and I had a good idea of the colour palette to use.

So I got busy and came up with this design:

At the time I was pretty stoked mainly because it hadn't been a total fucking disaster, and yes it included fish and water,and flowers and a kingfisher.

A few days later when I had a chance to work on it again. I realized that it was a total load of bollocks. It didn't reflect anything, it didn't have any significant meaning it was like I was putting random objects together and calling it art. I considered the two most important things and asked myself these questions:

1. If it was on the wall, would I like looking at it everyday? 

2. Does it communicate a clear message of how i feel about her?

The answer was a resounding NO.

So I went back to the drawing board, but I was coming up short, drawing over complicated thumbnails, trying to bring in all these visual elements to create something unique and original. Eventually with a handful of days left and with pressure and stress mounting I sat down and asked her about what she would want in an image.

Cass didn't have all the answers but she did have this nugget of wisdom 
 " it doesn't have to be complicated, just something simple."

I had been forgetting that golden rule : KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. 

So the next day I sat down and i thought about aesthetics that would be simple and communicate message of love. 

The Imagery of two lovebirds together sat on a moon like C shape was perfect.

I knew that first time round i hadn't made use of the watercolours so I focused on that.

I spent the next few days painting and completing the image. I then took it to the framers with just enough time to get it framed and ready for the birthday. I put the picture in a plastic bag and walked proudly to the framers but when I pulled it out of the bag at the framers, it had soy sauce all over it..... the bag had some in the bottom. 

I WAS FUCKING FURIOUS! I could not believe it. I rushed home and tried to save it with white paint. I managed to repair it as best i could and took it back to the framers.

The framers did an amazing job and here it is in our flat:

I learned that sometimes the wrong path can lead you to the right path. Taking a step back to re-evaluate can give you the answer you need. That sometimes simple is better and even if it isn't the most original design the masked over soy stains will forever make it one of a kind.